National Youth Service Programme (NYSP) is a government initiative to engage South African youth in community service activities to strengthen service delivery, build patriotism, promote nation-building, foster social cohesion, and assist the youth to acquire occupational skills necessary to access sustainable livelihood opportunities.
Seriti is appointed as the strategic implementing partner for Phase Two following the successful execution of Phase One. In alignment with the National Youth Service objectives, the 2, 000 participants will be partaking in activities that fulfil the following:
- Enabling them to attain skills and experience that increase their employability and/or entrepreneurial skills and abilities.
- Serves the common good and creates social value for the community.
- Unlocks benefits for the vulnerable in poor, disadvantaged communities.
- Leveraging existing strengths and capabilities and working in partnership to increase these and ensure this is done sustainably.
- Exposure to business opportunities in agribusiness, ECD and waste management.
- Creating and expanding awareness for nutrition and greening in communities, especially the physical health needs of children and preventable lifestyle diseases related to diet.