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Helping communities reach their goals by delivering
Comprehensive, Sustainable and Innovative
solutions to enhance socio-economic impact

A Partnership Worth Having

Our Programmes

At Seriti there is a strong belief in people and in their capacity to be drivers of change in building toward a better future. Seriti works in communities to hone capabilities in tandem with its social partners and community champions to create work opportunities; alleviate poverty and inequality; strengthen caregivers; and nurture stronger, food secure, resilient economically viable communities and township enterprises.

Are Bapaleng Logo 2023

A dedicated programme that seeks to capacitate parents and primary caregivers of young children in underserved communities.

Work Learn Grow Logo 2023

Create Agro-ecology nodes that support smallholder farmers and agricultural enterprises specifically focusing on women & youth.

Seriti TED Logo 2023

Township Economic Development (TED) Application for funding for business affected by flooding in KZN.

Exists to strengthen and provide technical support to social partners such as Community Based Organisations…

Seriti Community Response Logo 2023

A programme that focuses on the effectiveness of tri-sectoral partnerships, where government, the private sector and civil society…

Public Employment Programmes

In the past year, our impactful efforts have left a lasting mark through the successful implementation of Public Employment Programmes (PEPs) under the Social Employment Fund (SEF) and the National Youth Service (NYS), integral components of the Presidential Employment Stimulus (PES). Seriti has been instrumental in creating over 8000 work opportunities across South Africa through innovative initiatives such as Work.Learn.Grow and aRe Bapaleng programmes.

Our initiatives are centred around crucial areas such as food security, nutrition, environmental sustainability, cleaning and greening, and early childhood development (ECD). We place a special focus on parenting and caregiving, along with community mapping, surveys, and data collection. Seriti is committed to fostering positive change in hard-to-reach communities nationally, with a dedication to making a meaningful impact through our transformative activities.

The Jobs Fund SA
National Youth Service Logo
Presidential Employment Stimulus Logo
PYEI logo
Social Employment Fund Logo

Our Impact


Seriti Talks is a platform that brings together development practitioners, communities, academics, policymakers, funders, and other stakeholders to share knowledge, ideas, and experiences.

Latest Talk Details

  • Public employment opportunities and their relevance to building ECD ecosystems

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