Standerton Farmers Working

About the Programme

Work. Learn. Grow assists two farmworker communities in Standerton with the creation of sustainable community-based food supply chains, which generate income opportunities and improve food security by supporting the expansion of communal garden production and promoting the selling of fresh vegetables to the Goldi poultry production and processing factory.

This initiative promotes enterprise development for youth participants with direct off-take opportunities and room for expansion.

Core Activities

  • Training – Permaculture and Agricultural theoretical and practical planting training.

  • Input provision – Irrigation equipment, tools, seedlings, and garden infrastructure that could enable farmers to increase their production.

  • Drip irrigation installation and training.

  • Planting of fruit trees.

Farmers Supported
Female Participation
Youth Participation
Hectares Under Production


Astral Standerton Communal Gardens Participants
Astral Standerton Communal Gardens Attendees
Astral Standerton Communal Gardens Attendees Planting Trees
Standerton Farmers