Seriti Institute is hosting a day of lively discussions on Friday, 26 October 2018 about issues faced in community development work.

Four 1-hour sessions are planned, each focussing on one of the outcomes from Seriti’s Theory of Change. This Seriti TALKS, facilitated by Dugan Fraser, will explore areas of collaboration, innovation and new technologies that can ensure maximised impact for various community development interventions.

If you would like to find out more information about the event please contact Struan Robertson on

Event Programme

 10 Mins  10h00  10h10  Welcome by Juanita Pardesi (Seriti Institute CEO)
 15 Mins  10h10  10h25  Process with Dugan Fraser
Organisations are effective
 30 Mins  10h25  10h55  Panel: Kathy Nicolaou, Liesel Eksteen, Robynn Niemack
 30 Mins  10h55  11h25  Participant Discussion
Productive work is done
 20 Mins  11h25  11h45  Guest Speaker: Dr Kate Philip
 40 Mins  11h45  12h25  Participant Discussion
 50 Mins  12h25  13h15  LUNCH
Land, natural and other resources are optimally used
 20 Mins  13h15  13h35  Guest Speaker: Wandile Sihlobo
 40 Mins  13h35  14h15  Participant Discussion
Social enterprises and SMEs are effective
 20 Mins  14h15  14h35  Guest Speaker: Dr Harry Teifel
 40 Mins  14h35  15h15  Participant Discussion
 15 Mins  15h15  15h30  COMFORT BREAK
 15 Mins  15h30  15h45  Group Comments / Highlights / Questions
 15 Mins  15h45  16h00  Take Away Points / Recap with Dugan Fraser
 90 Mins  16h00  17h30  CHEESE & WINE RECEPTION