Wouldn’t It Be Cool (WIBC) engaged Seriti to undertake Community Mapping in the City of Tshwane implementation of the Urban Agriculture Initiative Project in the three selected regions of Gauteng. i.e., Clarina, Hammanskraal and Pretoria Rugby Club. Seriti adopted an asset-based development methodology utilising community mapping and geographic information systems and spatial analysis (GIS) to equip communities with knowledge of their infrastructural and social capital, as well as the history, politics, power relationships, social assets of their community, and the economic and social enterprise opportunities that exist at the local level, which can help activate opportunities. This encourages and empowers communities to link with untapped opportunities and immerse themselves in this ‘deep learning’ around enabling social collaboration in community development activities.

Seriti conducted the desktop review and spatial data analysis including assets, resources and demographics, community canvassing and initial stakeholder interviews and development of community profiles. Each of these deliverables were followed by a Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation reading.